Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 94: One Short Day

Friday was a good day for me. Yes sir. 

It started out as being my last day teaching Discovery early in the morning. Now, these kids were less than perfect, but they will hold a special place in my heart honestly... now that I'm not the one teaching them. 
Ana Paula

Looking at the pictures though, I'm glad I was able to get some of them being good for me. 

Right: Fatima  Left: Karime
Right to Left: Rafael, Me, Mauricio, Moises


They're cute. The girl with the pink crown, Ivana, it was her birthday. So, I brought the crown my mom had sent in my package and let her wear it for the day. Her eyes lit up and she was so excited to wear it, I'm glad that it could bring that much joy to a child. So there you go mom. You made a little girls day, and you're all the way in another country. :)

After the class, I walked away from the Discovery Kids and won't teach them again until their Christmas Program. I'll miss them. But I really don't like mornings, so I can't say that I'm completely sad to leave. 

Every Friday, we also have a culture class. It was quite fun cause it involved a common interest of all of us... FOOD.

There will be a separate post on this with pics and all. Currently there is this technical difficulty going on. Go figure. 

And.... Then I taught, went home, and packed for OAXACA! 

Love Fridays like crazy!

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